
Our podcast Wannsee. Looking at the International Dimension of the Holocaust is about different perspectives on the Holocaust in European countries affected by Nazi persecution. 

Listen here.

The Memorial and Educational Site House of the Wannsee Conference - a 360° panoramic introduction

Please select subtitles in English, Dutch, French or Italian. Subtitles in other languages are in progress.

Dr Jakob Müller, scientific staff member of our education department, is giving us an insight into the rooms of the villa and the new permanent exhibition. He explains the significance of the historical site: What impact did the meeting at Wannsee on January 20, 1942 have for the murder of the European Jews?

You can follow the tour with your computer mouse, on the touch screen with your finger or with the navigation arrows in the video. You can look around in all directions: The virtual tour gives you a 360° panoramic view. This requires a large data flow, so please note that you need a good internet connection.


¿Por qué se convirtieron los hombres normales en asesinos?

From exclusion to mass murder: Why did ordinary men become murderers? Our colleague Paula Santana and director Elke Gryglewski guide us through our new permanent exhibition - in Spanish.

De la exclusión a los asesinatos masivos: ¿Por qué se convirtieron los hombres normales en asesinos? Nuestra colega Paula Santana y la directora Elke Gryglewski nos guían a través de nuestra nueva exposición permanente - en español.