Online Exhibitions

The Memorial and Educational Site offers online exhibitions about various topics. By going digital we can present our content everywhere around the world. So far, our online exhibitions are available in German, English and Polish – soon also in Russian.

To the Online Exhibitions

Gurs 1940. The Deportation and Murder of Southwest German Jews

In October 1940, thousands of Jews from Southwest Germany were deported to Gurs. Some of the internees managed to escape this French camp, but more than a thousand died. The majority of the survivors would later be transported to Auschwitz-Birkenau and Sobibor, where they were murdered.

Alt Text Beschreibung
© Mémorial de la Shoah, Coll. Maurice Laügt, Eva Laügt, MLXV_181

"An Unrecht erinnern"

This German and Russian online exhibition "An Unrecht erinnern" / "pomnit nespravedlivost" will focus on Soviet prisoners of war. The exhibition is being created in cooperation with Memorial International Moskau, the memorial sites Ehrenhain Zeithain, Lager Sandbostel and Bergen-Belsen, the German Russian Museum Berlin-Karlshors and the Arolsen Archives.

Zeichnung in rot und schwarz zeigt Gefangene hinter Stacheldraht und Bewacher mit Gewehren
© Sylvain Mazas

Digital Photo Exhibition about the 1939 Attack on Poland from the Collection of Kurt Seeliger

This website presents 96 digitalized photographs that were taken by Wehrmacht Officer Kurt Seeliger during the German attack on Poland in 1939. They were given to the memorial site by his grandson. This Memorial and Educational Site provides historical context for 25 selected photos in German, English and Polish. The collection can be sorted according to thematic categories or can be localized on a map.

Mehrere schwarz-weiß Fotos auf beigen Fotopappen: Drei Männer beim SChwimmen, Panzer im Wald und Familie am Esstisch
© GHWK Berlin

Silent Testimonies 1939 – The German Attack on Poland in Pictures and Documents

The online exhibition "Silent Testimonies 1939" presents more than 1,000 photographs and 380 pages of diaries and letters by Wehrmacht soldiers of the German attack on Poland in German, English and Polish. We acquired these private photographs and documents through a public call for material. Students of the Public History Master’s Program of the Free University of Berlin digitalized and contextualized the materials in cooperation with the Memorial and Educational Site.

Gestapelte Fotoalben und Tagebücher
© GHWK Belin