Information: Books from the basement currently unavailable
The Joseph Wulf Library installs rolling stacks in the basement to gain more storage space for its holdings. Until this process is complete, the books from the stacks, with shelf marks that include "m"-numbers such as: (m12345), will be unavailable until further notice.
The books in the Library on the first floor are still accessible.
New acquisitions
Memorial educational work
Advanced search on Nazi victims and their fates
- Auschwitz prisoners
- Berliner Adress-, Telefon- und Branchenbücher 1707 - 1991/1992
- The Memorial Book of the Federal Archives for the Victims of the Persecution of Jews in Germany (1933-1945)
- Arolsen Archives
- Jüdisches Adressbuch für Gross-Berlin | 1929/30, 1931/32
- Stolpersteine (stumbling stones) in Berlin
- Totenbuch KZ Sachsenhausen 1936 – 1945
- Yad Vashem - The Central Database of Shoah Victims' Names
- Mapping the lives