
The permanent exhibition "The Meeting at Wannsee and the Murder of the European Jews" is on the ground floor of the Memorial and Educational Site. Special exhibitions are located on the 1st floor. Our travelling exhibitions and online exhibitions can be visited worldwide.


Permanent Exhibition

The Meeting at Wannsee and the Murder of the European Jews

© Foto: GHWK Berlin

Special Exhibitions

Crimes Uncovered

The First Generation of Holocaust Research. Traveling exhibition in cooperation with Touro College Berlin and the Wiener Library in London.

Louis de Jong, Amsterdam 1950 Titelblatt der Ausstellung

Garden Exhibition

Online Exhibitions

Seeliger’s Photos

Digital Photo Exhibition about the 1939 Attack on Poland from the Collection of Kurt Seeliger in German, English and Polish.

Mehrere schwarz-weiß Fotos auf beigen Fotopappen: Drei Männer beim SChwimmen, Panzer im Wald und Familie am Esstisch
© GHWK Berlin