Presentation Sound in the Silence

Pupils from Croatia, Poland, Romania and Germany cordially invite you to their final performance of a week-long encounter at our house, in which they dealt with Nazi crimes.

European Network Remembrance and Solidarity and the House of the Wannsee Conference have an honour to invite you on Monday, October 9, 6 p.m., to a performance created by an international group of students participating in the project "Sound in the Silence".

The performance will be followed by a discussion about interdisciplinary methods in formal history teaching and by a reception. Language: English.

Entrance is free, please register by e-mail: veranstaltungen[at]

Co-funded by the European Union


House of the Wannsee Conference

Am Grossen Wannsee 56 - 58

14109 Berlin


Monday, October 9, 2023, 6 p.m.


Free of charge, please register by mail: veranstaltungen[at]